When Should You Apply for a Summer Internship? The Best Time and Tips

Whether you want to gain experience in your chosen career field, explore a different career path, or gain valuable work experience, an internship can provide valuable skills and training.

There are many perks to landing an internship during college, but knowing the best time of year to apply can be challenging. June and July are traditionally the most popular months for students to apply for summer internships, so if you’re planning to apply then, you’re probably wondering when to apply. So, how do you find the perfect time for internships? We’ll share some tips and the best time of year below.

When do you need to start applying to summer internships?

The first place to start is as early as possible, and with summer just a few months away, now is the perfect time to get started. Once you know the companies you’re interested in, you can do some research and figure out which departments and internships are best.

Summer internships are generally reserved for college students, but there are plenty of opportunities for high school students to get their feet wet in careers that interest them, as well. One way high school students can get a head start on internship opportunities is to start researching now so that by the time they’re in their final year of high school, they’ll be ready to apply. Summer internships are often more competitive than fall or spring internships at companies. This competition means that high school students who begin early will have an advantage over those who apply in the fall, spring, or summer after high school graduation.

Tips for a Successful Application

Be organized

A college admission application can be a lot of work, but applying to college doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It is essential to start early, keep organized, and plan forwards.

Create a detailed, organized job application when you need to apply for a job. Follow these steps for writing a resume:

  • Be concise
  • Edit for spelling and grammar
  • Choose both text and font
  • Proofread


The key to being successful at applying for jobs is preparation. Whether you’re looking for a new career, a new role, or to improve your current role, being prepared will help you be more successful.

Applying for a new job can be intimidating, so I recommend following these tips to make your application process as smooth and effective as possible:

  1. Research the company: Spend some time learning about the company.
  2. Double-check your resume: Double-check for spelling and grammatical errors.
  3. Get connected: Create and update your online professional profile.
  4. Research the company culture: Research what the morals of the company are.
  5. Create a personal brand: Showcase your individuality and passion.
  6. Keep it simple: Do not overcomplicate your resume.
  7. Refine your cover letter: Strip it back.
  8. Practice your interview: Rehearse how you want it to be.

Pay attention to practical details.

The application is an important document for most jobs, and the application process itself can be both difficult and time-consuming. But there are some steps you can take to make the process a little easier, which can help you get the jobs you want. Pay close attention to the requirements (as detailed in the job posting). Be well-organized and detail-oriented; if you allow mistakes or errors to slip by you risk having to start over from scratch. Following the directions carefully and paying close attention to details will help you succeed.

Follow the application instructions

Before you submit your application, read the instructions carefully. The instructions will tell you exactly which documents you should include and when you should submit them. Be sure that all the information you include on your application is accurate and that you have included everything you’re supposed to. It’s also a good idea to review the instructions on how to upload your documents. Many applications allow you to upload documents online, but some require you to mail, or hand deliver them.

The application process is well known to many; however, many find themselves either frustrated or overwhelmed. Knowing what to expect from the process and what information is required will assist you in achieving a successful application.